Goku – The legendary
Goku or Kakarot are the protagonists of the Dragon Ball series created by Akira Toriyama. He is the nephew of Gohan’s grandfather, son of Badakku and Gine, Radditsu’s brother, Chi-Chi’s husband, father of Gohan and Goten, Pan’s grandfather and later ancestor of Goku Jr.
Goku was sent to Earth from a self-propelled spacecraft from his childhood to conquer Earth and destroy all of the creatures there. Saiyans are the races that capture the planets in the universe and sell them to other races. Kakarot, however, was knocked unconscious and brought home by Son Gohan, which was the reason for the birth of the character of Songoku.
In hell let loose game, Goku is a very bright and kind boy. After meeting Bulma, his life began a new twist. Since then. How many times did you save the Earth from evil people like the two daughters Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z), Android (Dragon Ball Z), Cell (Dragon Ball Z), Majin Buu (Dragon Ball Z) ) and most recently Frieza (Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no F). Due to his hard training and constantly challenging his limits, he rose to be one of the strongest in the universe.
Goku was sent to Earth from a self-propelled spacecraft from his childhood to conquer Earth and destroy all of the creatures there. Saiyans are the races that capture the planets in the universe and sell them to other races. Kakarot, however, was knocked unconscious and brought home by Son Gohan, which was the reason for the birth of the character of Songoku.
In hell let loose game, Goku is a very bright and kind boy. After meeting Bulma, his life began a new twist. Since then. How many times did you save the Earth from evil people like the two daughters Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z), Android (Dragon Ball Z), Cell (Dragon Ball Z), Majin Buu (Dragon Ball Z) ) and most recently Frieza (Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no F). Due to his hard training and constantly challenging his limits, he rose to be one of the strongest in the universe.
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